Why do Accounting Professionals Need Engineering Skills?In conventional accounting education, there are few mathematics and numerical courses, and they are taught at the arithmetic four…Oct 8, 2022Oct 8, 2022
Digital Transformation PhilosophyWhat are the prerequisites for digital transformation? People have always had to work in the face of an unpredictable future, but it is…Oct 2, 2022Oct 2, 2022
AN INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH IN ACCOUNTING, ENGINEERING, AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES TO DEVELOP…Global crises such as Covid-19 encourage scientists, healthcare professionals, political analysts, economists, and business leaders to…Oct 1, 2022Oct 1, 2022
The Evolution of Accounting Profession with DigitalizationRemember, not long, just 20 years ago the Grand Larousse and Encyclopedia Britannica were always on the seat of honor in our libraries…Mar 17, 2022Mar 17, 2022
SPACE ACCOUNTING: IS A NEW BRANCH OF ACCOUNTING ON THE HORIZON?The longing for space exploration is as ancient as the history of mankind itself. Once regarded a total impossibility, now staggering new…Mar 17, 2022Mar 17, 2022
Accounting Engineering and Space AccountingAccountants have constantly transformed themselves and kept up with the changing times since the earliest development of accounting. In the…Mar 6, 2022Mar 6, 2022
Gelecekte bir muhasebecinin ihtiyaç duyacağı 6 beceriKişisel bilgisayarlar, sesli posta, akıllı telefonlar, dijital kameralar, uzay turizmi, internet, robotlar, sosyal medya, yapay zeka…Feb 14, 2021Feb 14, 2021
Covid-19 ve Thomas More'un “Ütopyası”Thomas More'un 1516'da yayımlanan “Ütopya” sı, tüm unsurların zengin ve soylulara hizmet ettiği ekonomik bir model üzerine kurulu 15 ve 16…May 27, 2020May 27, 2020
Covid-19 Muhasebeyi Sonsuza Kadar Değiştirecek!Covid-19, toplum ve ekonomilerin seyrini küresel ölçekte değiştiren, benzeri görülmemiş bir olaydır. Belki de insanlık tarihinin en büyük…May 23, 2020May 23, 2020